Key Facts
- Italian nicknames are diverse and reflect various traits, making them fun for language learners.
- There are around 50 cute nicknames for both males and females, often with meanings attached.
- Some nicknames are unisex, suitable for both genders, showcasing the flexibility of Italian naming.
Italians have many great attributes for names, either first name, last name, and even nicknames. They have names for almost everything and that makes language learning for someone new to Italian quite interesting.
There are many cute Italian nicknames for both males and females for people who behave in a funny, sweet way or family members and for other reasons.
This post will show you about 50 cute Italian nicknames for male and female. Their meaning is also attached to the names. Some of the names are unisex, which means that they are for both male and female Italians
Cute Italian nicknames for male & female
Number | Italian nicknames | Meaning | Gender |
1 | Bello/a | Beautiful | Female |
2 | Amore Mio | My love | Unisex |
3 | Cerbiatto | Fawn | Female |
4 | Cuoro Mio | My heart | Unisex |
5 | Tesoruccio | Little treasure trove | Unisex |
6 | Fatina | Little Fairy | Female |
7 | Pupa | Baby | Female |
8 | Caramellina | Little candy | Female |
9 | Cuoricino | Little heart | Female |
10 | Coccinella | Little tiger | Male |
11 | Farfallina | Little butterfly | Female |
12 | Ciliegina | Little cherry | Female |
13 | Bambina | Child | Female |
14 | Piccolina | Very tiny | Female |
15 | Orsetto | Little bear | Male |
16 | Cucciolo | Puppy | Male |
17 | Bambino | Boy | Male |
18 | Pimpi | Prince | Male |
19 | Cioccolatino | Cutie | Unisex |
20 | Trottolino | My sweet boy | Male |
21 | Cuore | Heart | Male |
22 | Scimmia | Monkey | Male |
23 | Amorina | Little lovely | Female |
24 | Micia | Kitty | Female |
25 | Tesoruccio | Little treasure trove | Unisex |
26 | Pasticcino | Sweet pastry | Female |
27 | Anima Mia | My love | Unisex |
28 | Tarzan | A guy who has long hair. | Male |
29 | Rospo | Big frog | Male |
30 | Pinocchio | A guy who lies a lot | Male |
31 | Puzzone | Stinker | Male |
32 | Castoro | A boy with big teeth | Male |
33 | Zio | Dude | Male |
34 | Stella | Star | Unisex |
35 | Dadina | A dear little friend | Female |
36 | Dada | A dear friend | Female |
37 | Nina | A cute little girl | Female |
38 | Stronzetta | For a bitchy girl | Female |
39 | Monella | Naughty | Female |
40 | Piaga | An annoying girl | Female |
41 | Tontolino | A silly boyfriend | Male |
42 | Cocco | Coconut | Male |
43 | Bruchino | A slow boyfriend | Male |
44 | Tigrotto | Little Tiger | Male |
45 | Brontolo | Grumpy | Male |
46 | Tappo | A short boy | Male |
47 | Sorcio | A dirty boy | Male |
48 | Scemo | Dumb | Male |
49 | Gallinello | A cheeky boy | Male |
50 | Galletto | A guy who flirts all the time | Male |